Barnburner Boxing — Personal boxing training — Blyth, Northumberland

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Consistency and commitment

The health and fitness industry has a voracious appetite. It relies on new income streams to command attention in a fight for customer attention. New equipment, plans, nutrition — anything that provides an opportunity to sell products.

It plays on basic human instincts and emotion — fear and insecurity, pride and vanity. This strategy thrives on keeping you unbalanced. Many people lurch from one diet to the next. They invest in expensive equipment in the hope of attaining an Instagram-worthy physique.

Some thrive on the constant grind. I know gym rats that need protection from themselves. They will train until they drop.

In the vast majority of people, this is unsustainable. They stick to the new regime for a while but soon get buried by it.

The health and fitness industry sells dreams of six-pack abs. They are less than forthcoming on the reality of achieving them. Any honest health pro will admit that you develop abs in the kitchen.

Sure — genetics and age play a part. A 17 year old boxer training 5 times a week might get develop that six-pack look while scarfing down fast food. But for most of us — especially after a certain age — a clean diet is key. No matter how many crunches you do, a well trained core will stay invisible behind a layer of junk food belly fat.

Many people never ask the simple question: why do I want six-pack abs?

If you are a competitive body builder — yes, they are a necessity. If you have set your heart on that impressive Instagram profile pic, knock yourself out. In no way would I denigrate folks taking pride in their appearance. There is an admirable level of discipline involved in such pursuits and I commend them.

But there is another demographic that the industry does not want to highlight. This is the silent majority who want to enjoy life, feel good and go about their business with the minimum of fuss.

They want to:

  • feel fit enough to play with their kids

  • be able to run for a bus or climb stairs without feeling out of breath

  • feel strong and resilient — ready for what life throws at them

And yes — they want to enjoy life. Regular training gives you the green light to savour the restaurant meal. To treat yourself to that slice of cheesecake. To do all that without the guilt and the uncomfortable feeling around your waistband.

The keys to staying on track and maintaining life fitness are available to everyone. They are consistency and commitment. These key factors are simple and inexpensive. This is why they scare the fitness entrepreneurs and influencers.

If you can find a sport or activity you enjoy, you are half way there. Commit to it. Fall in love with it. Enjoy the journey of mastering it. Stay blinkered and concentrate on your craft. Don't get distracted by the shiny new baubles that materialism foists on you.

Targets and aspirations are fantastic motivational tools. Use them as much of you can. Picture that dress you have always wanted to wear. Pin it up on your refrigerator door. Want to run that half-marathon? Enrol and commit. Hold yourself accountable to yourself and others. Embrace the fear of failure.

Goals work. As a species we are goal-orientated. But don't lose sight of the long term. Look at your health and fitness regime as a lifelong pursuit, not a short term endeavour.

Keep turning up. Keep putting in the work. Commit to improving at your chosen discipline. And most of all, enjoy it.