Group boxing training

Group boxing training in the Newcastle and Northumberland area.


Looking to improve health and mental well-being in your organisation?

Non-contact boxing training can help

Absence and sickness costs the British economy around £100 billion a year. Many companies already offer subsidised health and fitness classes for their staff. I’m lucky enough to work with some of them.

  • Suitable for all ages, abilities and fitness levels

  • Strictly non-contact

  • I supply the equipment (not including hand wraps)

  • I have public indemnity insurance up to £1,000,000

    • Engie UK

    • Ernst & Young Global

    • Northumberland PRU

    • Procter & Gamble

    • Teleperformance UK

    • Quorum Business Park

    • Rise North East

    • Boxing Well

    • Family Gateway

    • Girl Guides

    • The Sea Scouts

Case studies and articles

Boxing training in the workplace

The original 6-week pilot of non-contact boxing training at Engie UK. This was an idea I’d considered for many years – boxing training for health and well-being in the workplace.

Why are we so stressed?

Why are our minds and bodies breaking down? Our nature is clashing with our post-industrial lifestyle. Why stress is natural and how boxing training can help.

Boxing coaching for kids

You can't train children as you would adults. They are a work in progress and stand at an important stage of life. Treat them with care. It's not only their physical development at stake.