Engie / North Tyneside council
Active workplace class
A 6-week pilot of non-contact boxing training at Engie UK / North Tyneside Council.
This pilot became a successful weekly class.
A squad mentality
At week one we had a group of individuals. At week 6 we had a team. To see the boxers working together and developing - what I call – a ‘squad mentality’ confirmed it for me. Boxing training excels as a team builder, even in a corporate setting.
Developing resilience
Many of the boxers came to the sessions during their summer holiday. They ignored niggling injuries that still allowed them to train. At challenging moments, I watched them double down and push through together.
Relieving stress
I didn’t notice any stress in the class. But I noticed how relaxed people became over time - in themselves and with each other. Technique got more languid and assured with each session.
Swapping skills
We had a fascinating mix, from interns and apprentices to senior managers. Our boxers learned new skills, but also passed on their own. This included mentoring, motivation, organisation and teamwork. We made new connections, working together in a collaborative environment.
A holistic workout
As the weeks progressed I noticed an increase in fitness and stamina. I expected that. But the rapid increase in balance, hand/eye and hand/feet coordination was a revelation. We worked hard on this from the start. Even in the warm up.
Everyone gets better
The classes couldn’t have gone better. They’ve confirmed a lot of my initial questions, but also opened my eyes to things I’d never considered. The training and development opportunities are endless. From a personal point of view, they've improved me as a coach. .